Gretchen Losurdo

I have loved my career of Nursing that began in 1977. I worked at Loyola University(Illinois) in a variety of Medical/Surgical specialties including neurodegenerative diseases. My husband and 2 children moved to Scottsdale, Az in 1990 and I continued my nursing career at the Mayo Clinic for 23 years . I retired from Mayo in 2013 and started my own Nursing Advocacy business assisting patients and their families navigate the healthcare system. I offer patients a unique combination of services that make for an environment of medical discovery, empowerment, education and wellness.

I was asked to join The Judy Loker team in 2018 to help facilitate and coordinate health and wellness for Judy in the home. I also assisted in managing and bringing the necessary personal onto the her team. Judy and Rosario (her husband)were always a joy to work with and they showed me perseverance and unwavering love that is central for our human existence.

I believe that the JLI mission is an opportunity for all of us to learn from others and live a life that supports wellness and happiness.

Gretchen Losurdo RN Patient Advocate