

The Judy loker Initiative is dedicated to empowering future generations with the knowledge and awareness needed for a life of fulfillment and joy. Our Core mission revolves around fostering cognitive growth and promoting informed decision-making through education, accountability, and action.



The initiative was founded in 2023 by Judy Loker’s family and her community. This group of people was bonded together by Judy’s diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease in 2013, where questions began about what could have been done to prevent the neuroprogressive nature of this aggressive and debilitating diagnosis. Judy’s love for children, for her neighbors, and for her community was the driving force to leave a legacy that empowers people to do whatever they can to protect their body and brains from the impacts of their choices on their own future happiness, aging process, cognitive abilities, and other factors that will impact their participation, socialization, and dignity as they age. The Judy Loker Initiative is meant to help share what we can do thru education and prevention, which would be especially essential to begin in early development and childhood to have the best impact a promoting a rich and lifetime of longevity.

Programs & Initiatives

We are currently working to develop:

Engaging curriculums that help children understand the importance of their actions and choices on their future selves’ health and wellness.

Advocacy programs to help not just raise money for research, but to use what we know to apply it to the future generations. The funding we receive will help us develop engaging material and tools that can be used by teachers, parents, and communities to teach children, in their language, how to protect their brains and reduce the risk of degenerative diseases.

Education initiatives that begin earlier on in development and target the appropriate environmental stressors that children may be exposed to, could have a massive benefit to preventing disease. By focusing on the nervous system’s importance in function, DNA replication vs mutation, and our personal responsibility level for our own health could have a massive impact on their own quality of life. We believe that teaching responsibility starts within each of us with a simple choice. We plan to use generational knowledge to empower our children and grandchildren, and great grandchildren to live long, healthy lives without the scourge and stigma of mental and physical illness.

Judy Loker Initiative is currently in the early stages of development, but has ambitious plans. We strive to work with legislators, school districts, parents, and families, across the country with similar goals to make this information accessible.

Who Can Help Us

Who Can Help Us

The Judy Loker Initiative is committed to making a difference in the lives of future generations. The initiative believes that by teaching young people how to think critically, they can make better choices and live longer, healthier, happier lives.

We are always looking for healthcare professionals with dedicated education in neuroscience, addiction, behavior, early education, and mental health.

We need volunteers for future events and services. At this time we also inviting Board Members with high-caliber professionalism and experience in non-profit development to apply.



Honoring Judy Loker’s legacy

Judy Loker’s legacy

The Judy Loker Initiative draws inspiration from the journey of Judy Marie Loker, an amazing mother to her two children, Megan and Nicholas, and loyal partner to her husband, Rosario Strano. Prior to her diagnosis, Judy was an engaged entrepreneur and a community leader. She had a generous spirit, and was “the life of the party.” Despite the cruel robbery that neurodegeneration brought on, Judy resisted gamely to the end of her life.

JLI hopes for an eventual cure to neurodegeneration, naturally. Meanwhile, this organization is committed to forestall the environmental causes of neuron and brain cell destruction through education and empowerment of youth and young adults. JLI will promote their learning to address circumstances leading to emotional dysregulation and the trauma that furthers destructive rewiring of neurons.

Join Us in Empowering Futures

Join Us

Together, we are shaping alives and quippeing individualswith the tools to make informed decisions, embrace challenges with resilience, and experience genuine joy. throughout the entire life cycle. The Judy lLokerInitiative invites you to be part of this transformative Journey.